Saturday, March 12, 2011

Last in First Out..Not the Best Plan

Teachers are going to be layed off, I think we have pretty much established that so now people are worried about the system in which these layoffs will work. I agree with Stewart Singer and other writers in there saying that "last in first out" is not the way to go.  With technology progressing the way it is the newer teachers would probably be more useful, although the older teachers have more experience they barely  know how to run a modern classroom. Remember the saying "you cant teach an old dog new tricks", well i definately think that applies here. I actually have a suggestion. How about making teachers who have been teaching past their reguired years for retirement retire. Maybe that would free up a little extra money...but its just a suggestion. I have come to the conclusion that no matter who gets layed off things are going to get pretty bad in the education department and I foresee education in general having a very steep landslide. Why is education always the first to go?? Our future as a nation depends on the intelligence of the generations that come after us, this situation just really leaves me in a state of confusion.

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