Saturday, March 12, 2011


A very popular topic right now is whether the U.S should intervene in Libyan affairs. I believe that despite anything that is happening and has happened in the past we should intervene. Even if  the United States motives are valid or not, there should never be a time when people question the value of lives. Are we really willing to sit and watch humans die for the sake of keeping our political composure?? I am disappointed that this is even an issue although i cannot say that I do not understand the opposing argument. Getting involved with affairs that really have nothing to do with us has bitten us in butt several times before. Perfect example George W. Bush declaring war in Afghanistan, but I would be more willing to make a mistake trying to do what I felt was right than to not do anything and have regrets. President Clinton regretted failing to save lives during the Rwandan Genocide. Could we live with that? I just think that there are certain things that should not be questioned and whether or not someones life is worth saving is one of them. Point blank

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